After arriving to New Zealand, or another country, the first thing that you will need is a data connexion for your phone. Yes, you can survive without it the first days, but the fists days are the harder as well. So, I recommend you get a new SIM with internet as soon as you can. With internet you can use Google Maps (I know this app has offline maps but it’s not the same), check the bus, call to someone or chat by WhatsApp/Line, etc.
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Seeeduino XIAO – Arduino compatible
Together the Grove kit I received a mini board as well. I have been interested in this board, called Seeeduino XIAO, long time ago because it’s the smallest board I know and it includes USB-C!
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When I started to learn about Arduino everything was more complicated than now, on internet there was less information, less videos or tutorials, less kind of modules to buy on eBay, DealeXtreme, AliExpress or other webs.
It wasn’t a big problem for me because I have done these kinds of things for long time and I could find the answer I needed.
However, not everybody has the same knowledge or patience. Or not everybody wants or is able to spend a lot of time. Then, it’s good that now there are more companies and platforms to choose the best solution for each one.
Today, I’m going to talk about the Grove platform of SeeedStudio.
Read MoreTrip to at north of at North Island
Trip to at north of at North Island between 22 to 24 on December 2019 (optional homework)
The last weekend I went on a trip to at north of at North Island in New Zealand. I went with 9 people from my school, some of them was my classmate in level 2 or in level 3, but no one was my classmate in level 4.
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